Ok, ladies this one is especially for you!! I LOVE leggings, tights and some what care for stockings BUT lets discuss the differences and how they should be worn!!!
TIGHTS: tights are opaque meaning see–through NOT ok to wear with a short shirt that exposes your bare bottom. They are however VERY cute with shorts, skirts, dresses and long tunic tops (however tunic tops are best with leggings) !!! Tights have become extremely popular and are now coming in almost every color and pattern. I personally have a new found relationship with navy blue patterned tights !!! LOVE ! Nude, brown and colored tights also share a close bond with my heart ! Tights are an excellent compliment to a dull outfit in need of some color or flare but AGAIN no short shirts and thongs ladies !!!!
LEGGINGS : leggings are a multi purpose staple for any fashionistas closet an ABSOULUTE must have !!!!!! There excellent for every activity from exercise class with the ladies to date night with the honey and in btw like chilling in the house or a trip to the mall. Your leggings should be made well enough that NOTHING including polka dot underwear can be seen through them in ANY lighting. Leggings are fabulously paired with blazers, vest, wraps, heels or flats. They are easily dressed up for the club or dressed down for a daily outing. They are superb with the new trend of over the knee boots. However in my opinion there are not for every setting!!! Be careful with leggings in church, a business outing or anything where the dress code is not extremely casual.
** Note: Please make sure proper under garments are worn .. leggings with a thick panty line is fashion suicide !!!!
STOCKINGS (pantyhose) : these are generally flesh tone and mainly worn in a more professional setting or church. I mainly pair them with suits or under pants during cold months …. a lot of people have replaced stockings with opaque tights and feel that stockings are outdated. I think 1 or 2 pair are a staple .. great to have just in case!
Let the shopping begin!!!